While in staying at our hotel you can enjoy some of the exciting nearby local attractions listed below and enjoy The Virginia Beach Boardwalk one short block from our hotel - You'll see everything you ever imagined along this famous boardwalk. Sidewalk entertainers, amusements, free concerts, gift shops, restaurants, and much more! A "must do" on your vacation.
849 General Booth Blvd Virginia Beach
(757) 422-4444
The Virginia Marine Science Museum - Dolphin tours
717 General Booth Boulevard Virginia Beach
(757) 385-3474
Contemporary Art Center
2200 Parks Ave Virginia Beach (757) 425-0000
Verizon Wireless Virginia Beach Amphitheater (757) 368-3000
Oceana Naval Air Station (757)433-2366
AMERICAN ROVER (757) 627-7245
HISTORICAL WILLIAMSBURG –( 855)-771-3290 for information.
Mount Trashmore, Kids Cove - Virginia Beach (757) 473-5237
Virginia Beach Farmer's Market - Virginia Beach (757) 385-4388
Pavilion Convention Center (757) 385-2000
Norfolk Tides Baseball – (757) 622-2222
The Chrysler Museum - Norfolk (757) 664-6200
Virginia Zoological Park - Norfolk (757) 441-2706
Spirit of Norfolk Dinner Cruises - (757) 627-7771
Norfolk Naval Base - (757) 322-2366
Norfolk Botanical Garden - (757) 441-5830
Children's Museum - Portsmouth (757) 393-5258
Colonial Williamsburg – (855)-771-3290
Williamsburg Pottery Factory - Lightfoot, VA (757) 564-3326